
11/7/02. J.D. sells his plane and it's shipped off to Lake Champlain,
NY to eventually be fitted with floats. Stay tuned for J.D.'s new project.

9/14/02. Ray, Curt, J.D. and Debbie all fly down to York for
breakfast. Ray's plane split open a muffler, and sounded like a weedwacker
when he taxied up. A temporary fix lasted about halfway back. J.D.'s
plane overheated a few times, too. A later inspection showed lead deposit
fouling of one of the plugs.

5/19/02. Ray and Curt fly over to ask "Can J.D. come out and
play?" Sure, if only for a little while.

2/16/02 Debbie gets ready to be my first passenger
out of our airstrip. Takeoff roll was of course longer, but 845' of runway
was still sufficient.

11/10/01. Ron, Dale and Kirk go flying with J.D.

ANUG 2001, in David City.
Sam and Erica both go up in a powered parachute.

Friday, October 13th, 2000, Debbie and I went up for a half hour to
take some sunset pictures.